How are you with tolerating uncertainty?
Can you be in the unknown without freaking out?
Without trying to control everything? (Most notably your feelings.)
Can you relax, let go, and trust?
It’s not an easy thing to do, because the mind is always searching for certainty.
That’s where we feel most safe.
But it’s an illusion.
Life is not safe or predictable.
It’s always and forever changing.
Which is both beautiful and terrifying.
Unfortunately, most of us get lost in the fear when life gets chaotic, so let’s talk about that.
Fear makes us irrational.
We can't see when we’re afraid.
Instead, we judge, resist, and control.
We refuse to accept.
We create enemies and make them responsible.
We go to war.
Create insanity.
(Sound familiar?)
What’s the way out?
How do we learn to stand in the fire and contain our fear?
In the TRUTH.
That there’s order in the chaos.
An intelligence at play beyond our awareness.
Something we can’t understand.
You know this. (Fear makes us forget.)
Because when you look back with hindsight at the crazy times in your life, you see it was all inevitable.
Not only that, there was a perfection in it, even if it was painful.
Something was always working through you, trying to bring you closer to home.
It's how the universe works.
Or energy, spirit, God, life, whatever you want to call it.
But it’s REAL.
And it’s smarter than you.
So give it up.
You’re not in control.
You never have been.
It’s a relief to let go.
To surrender to what is.
Where there’s nothing to know.
Nothing left to figure out.
Because life is always working for you.
And the force that’s guiding us is benevolent.
March 10, 2024