I experienced a number of painful incidents over the last few weeks.
Some I can talk about, some I can’t.
The two I can reveal are enough to demonstrate a theme that’s emerged: I’ve been invaded.
First, my Facebook page was hacked and taken over.
Then my studio was broken into and my camera equipment stolen.
Both were entirely my fault.
I trusted someone I shouldn’t have.
Then I didn’t trust myself.
That was the most painful.
I knew my studio wasn’t secure.
I knew I should take my gear home every night. (I bought a camera bag to do just that!)
But I didn’t.
I ignored my instinct. And paid the price.
All of this comes at a time when I’m in a period of expansion.
Business is booming.
I’m doing what I love.
I feel clear, focused, and productive.
And I’m excited about the future.
So why is this happening now?
Better question: how did I allow it to happen? How did I co-create it?
Now, you might say, “Dave, this isn’t your fault. Sometimes shit happens. That’s just life.”
No. Shit doesn’t just happen.
We are not victims.
We create the events of our life.
I KNEW all this was going to happen.
It HAD to happened.
Because when I ignored the whispers inside my mind, I set these events in motion.
That’s how energy/consciousness/God works.
It gives you what you need.
Not listening? Here’s some pain to motivate you to listen next time.
Still not listening?
Why didn’t I listen?
In the case of the break-in, I didn’t want to take the extra time to breakdown my gear and pack it up.
So I rationalized. “What are the odds of a break-in? Everything will be fine.”
In the case of Facebook and the others I can’t mention, there were conversations I avoided.
Because of fear.
(It’s always fear.)
I choose harmony over truth.
I betrayed myself, then got betrayed.
Now I’m listening.
Here’s what’s being said:
“You’re container is leaky. You must shore it up to hold the expansion that wants to come THROUGH you. You must be impeccable now.”
Got it.
It’s a relief to finally listen.
There’s no confusion.
I know exactly what I have to do.
And I’m grateful for the lesson.
It’s a benevolent universe we live in.
But not in the way we think.
God is neutral. Unconcerned.
He simply responds, reflecting you back to you.
Which is the greatest gift.
The deepest love.
Because it gives us free will.
And the capacity to create whatever we want.
And a perfect map (albeit sometimes painful) to show us how to get there.
If we have the courage to see.
And the willingness to take responsibility.
One last thing:
When all this happened, I felt humiliated.
I turned against myself.
Which is another way we make ourselves a victim.
Fortunately, I had a friend who encouraged self-compassion.
I took her advice.
Which allowed me to see the lesson and grow from it.
There’s no shame in our mistakes.
They’re just information. Data points.
Reflections of what we can’t yet see.
Don’t move away from your pain.
It’s a relief to feel it.
It gives clarity.
And it will set you free.
Thanks for reading, friends.
Until next time…
February 25, 2024